RSP Podcast 03 - 4X World Cup in Fort William
Autor: R.S.P. Team, kategorie: Video, vydáno: 11.6.2010
The RSP Mountainbike Team did it once again, for the 3rd time
in a row they won a 4X Wor ld Cup race for teams!
Joost The Boost was looking sharp in Scotland, during th e 3rd round of the World Cup 4X. Made it into the final quit easy, and taking 2nd place behind Jared Graves in front of 8000 spectators. Slavik went down pretty hard in the semi final, stuggling with Prokop on the second straight. In the small final Slavik took 6 th place and earned well deserved points for the team. Jurg Meijer was back on his old speed again. We a 7 th place in qualification and a 8 th place in the race the „Party Meijer“ is back! The winner of the last World Cup in Maribor, Michal Marosi, could not pull it off in Fort William. After being ill on thursday and friday he missed some power on saturday.
Once again the R.S.P. Mountainbike Team won the award for teams! That's no suprise with Wichman on 2, Slavik on 6 and Meijer on 8. Needless to say the team is leading in the World Cup standings as well.
1. Graves
2. Wichman RSP Mountainbike Team
3. Prokop
6. Slavik RSP Mountainbike Team
8. Meijer RSP Mountainbike Team
19. Marosi RSP Mountainbike Team
We would like to thank all our sponsors:
RSP bike and body care, KTM bikes, XtasY components, SRAM, Rockshox, Avid,
Truvativ, UFO plast, ARBO, Mavic, Adidas Eyewear, Schwalbe tires, Unior Tools
and Natural Power

Next team event: 12th of June, European Championships 4X, Bikefestival, Willingen Germany, hope to see you there!
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